Co-Creating Our New Earth

One World. One Family. One Self.
Many Expressions.


Take Heart Connect, an outreach of Take Heart Publications, is hosting its first annual global gathering from Sept. 20 to 24, 2025, at The Hague, Netherlands. We answer the call to be co-creators of the emerging New Earth, as seen for example in these words from A Course of Love (ACOL):

You may live a more peaceful and meaningful life, but you will not become the savior I ask you to be, or the architects of the new world of heaven on earth that I call you to create. (T3:14.1) […] You are as pioneers to this new world. …Your task is to create the new world and make it observable… (T3:20.18) […] You are called to nothing short of creating a new heaven and a new earth. (D:Day35.20)

The purpose of this gathering is to create a space for light bearers who are committed to supporting each other’s awakening to make their insights and experiences available to those who long for living from their true Self in the world today, thus helping to co-create a new consciousness on earth rooted in Oneness.

The creation of a new world starts with a shift of consciousness that happens within, in our own inner world. It is a shift from the mindset of separation based on fear to the awareness of unity based on love.

In Sept. 2024, 44 participants from 16 countries gathered at Findhorn, Scotland.

This is the answer to the question of “What is next?” If there is nothing to learn, if coursework is behind you and accomplishment is complete, what then are you to do? You are to create in community, in dialogue, in commitment and togetherness. You are to be the living Covenant of the New. (A Course of Love D:5.16)

The First Annual Gathering

September 20 to 24, 2025 at The Hague, Netherlands


We are going to spend five days together, starting from 2pm on Saturday, Sept. 20 and concluding at 2pm on Wednesday, Sept. 24. Our intention is to host a global gathering yearly in different parts of the world.

The field of consciousness that is created during this immersive experience is truly transformational, as we take part in diverse activities, both indoors and outdoors, including music and dance, silence with presence, group exercises, dialogues, and personal sharing.

Everyone will be encouraged to express themselves. This is “a dialogue in which you are a full participant” (D:Day10.24), rather than a series of presentations by a few. There are going to be moments facilitated by Glenn Hovemann (USA), Rodrigo Cayres (Brazil), Budhi N. (Mongolia), Sebastian Blaksley (Argentina), Suzanne van Vliet (Netherlands), Peter van Gaelen (Belgium), Raul Miranda (Spain), and many more “pioneers of the new” (D:3.3).


The overall theme is how to be an active participant in the co-creation of the new, how to live and experience ourselves as creators, how to respond to the issues currently facing the world today, and what it means to create in union and relationship in daily life.

As we move from becoming to being, from healing to sustainability of Unity-consciousness, we realize that what is being asked of us is to step into a new way of being that is rooted in Oneness and the willingness to answer the call to take part in the co-creation of the new.

Activities include facilitated dialogues, circle dances, music and poetry, personal sharing, meditation and silence with presence.

What you are called to do is to share in union with others whose awareness is expanding. (D:13.7) When you fully realize that sharing is necessary you will have entered the dialogue. (D:Day15.1) (A Course of Love)

What is the New Earth?

Integrating Heaven and Earth


In this context, heaven is not a place we may go after death or another dimension in space. It is the awareness of love’s presence here and now, a creative and awakened consciousness that is eternal and universal. Earth is the visible, external expression of our inner world in physical form. Integrating heaven and earth is about the re-union of human and divine, spirit and matter, the impersonal One Self and the personal self.

What will the future hold? It is up to us dear brothers and sisters. […] It is up to us creating as one body, one mind, one heart. Because it is the new future of a new form joined in unity and relationship, the only guarantees that are known to us is that it will be a future of love, a future without fear, a future with unlimited freedom. (A Course of Love T4:12.35)


Creating a new world of heaven on earth is not about judging, condemning, or trying to fix the world we see, nor does it have to do with sociopolitical activism. It is about envisioning and conceiving a new world, which is going to emerge as minds and hearts join to unleash their creative power. These global gatherings are just one of many movements in this direction.

“You do not need to give your effort to this calling. You do not need to struggle to create the new world you are called to create. You do not need to have a plan and you do not need to know precisely what this new world will look like. You simply need to be willing to live by the truth.” (T3:16.2) Living by the truth is to live from love, from a place of certainty or fearlessness that can only be felt when we realize the truth that we are not separate selves, but unique individuations of the One Self we share in Unity, just as white light is expressed in many colors as it passes through a prism.

The merging of form with Christ-consciousness (=Oneness) is the joining of the personal self with the unconditional love of the One Self.

Remember that everything arises from union. Nothing can be created aside from union. Therefore, by joining our dialogue you are creating a new Heaven and a new Earth both for yourself and for the world. (The Age of the Heart, Ch.16.I)

Event Program

Envisioning the flow of moments with freedom


Our gathering is all about dialoguing, interacting, making connections, meeting new friends, and expressing ourselves in whatever ways feel comfortable for us. Dialogue is more of an art than a science.

In dialogue you can experience freedom from structure and freedom from ideals of perfection and precision. Dialogue is an imprecise art and an unpremeditated act. It is an experience of what is happening in the moment, which is all experience is in truth. (A Course of Love U.2)


Each dialogue moment will be guided by a facilitator – not a teacher – who will briefly introduce a topic. Breakout groups may be formed to enable greater interactivity and to allow each voice to be heard. These are some of the dialogue topics we consider of value at this point:

      • Claiming our power to live as creators: the end of victimhood
      • Appreciating diversity while being aware of our unity
      • A new language is emerging with our new earth: “Along with the creation of a new language, another imperative creation with which to begin our new work is that of new patterns.” (T4:12.21)
      • The end of seeking outside to realize we are what we were looking for
      • Acceptance (non-resistance) replaces attacks and judgment, enabling the transmutation of non-creative energies
      • The way of ease: the end of struggle, competition, and comparison
      • Traditional ways of learning are being replaced by discovery, revelation, and insight
      • Moving from dualistic thinking to awareness of oneness
      • The power of observance to inspire others to see what they forgot about themselves rather than “fixing” them
      • Being rooted in our true and timeless identity while appreciating our temporal, human expressions
      • No one is special (or everyone is equally special!): the end of specialness and notions of superiority/inferiority
      • Sharing personal experiences and feelings rather than opinions and judgmental points of view: “A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. (A Course in Miracles, C-in.2)
      • Shifting from following external authorities to listening to inner authority, to our own inner guidance system

In this new way of being that blends mindfulness with heartfulness, as we realize the importance of joining mind and heart, much value is given to artistic expressions. There will be moments for singing, dancing (including circle dances and Rudolf Steiner’s eurythmy), music presentations (the venue has a Steinway piano), poetry, and more.

Event Speakers and Facilitators

A Conference Centered on Dialogue


The emerging consciousness of unity or Oneness invites us to experience “togetherness of spirit” (C:13.1) We trust that what motivates participants to join this gathering of open hearts is a desire to answer the call to be an active co-creator of the new, rather than an interest in learning from luminaries or experts on this matter. This gathering has no speakers or teachers. We focus on dialogues among equals.

There is openness and willingness to see the equally valuable gifts we each come to share in this gathering, and perhaps one of the greatest gifts we can give and receive is to be seen for who we really are. “Seeing” someone’s soul and recognizing our essential unity goes a great length in both reminding “others” of their natural Self and remembering ours. Or even no longer seeing “others.”

As we understand the need to have mind and heart integrated as one unity, this gathering aims at taking participants out of their “thinking” (separated) minds, opening space for revelation or in-the-moment insights and discoveries. The role of facilitators is to sow seeds for dialogues and steer the exchanges away from the attempt to reach an assumed correct understanding, agreement or consensus, as “the only correct interpretation is that which comes from each reader’s own internal guidance system.” (A.15)

There is no “other” who can follow the call meant for you. No other who can give the response you are meant to give. […] Do not think that only those who are more bold than you or who speak more eloquently or who are better examples of a good and saintly life are those who will lead the way for others to follow. Do not give in to the idea that one “special one” is needed, nor give to any one a role you would not claim for yourself. No leaders and no followers are needed. This is quite obviously an old way of thinking (A Course of Love T3:21.24).


Sharing and hearing diverse, direct personal experiences, looking through someone’s eyes, exchanging a presence-filled smile, feeling into the energy behind someone’s tone of voice, experiencing a moment of spontaneous group laughter, “seeing” someone’s soul while dancing, singing, or playing an instrument, and so on, may touch us in very powerful ways. “No lessons that do not touch your heart will accomplish anything.” (C:24.4)

How willing are you to leave behind the wisdom gathered from books to discover and offer your own wisdom?

For those ready for a new way the time of battles has ended. They care to engage in no more debates, care not to be proven right or proven wrong, care not to hear the evidence for this approach or that. They have grown weary of the ways of the mind. (A Course of Love A:21)

Who is this gathering for?

Experiencing Oneness


For anyone interested in participating in the co-creation of a new earth and who resonates with the vision outlined here. This international gathering will include readers whose lives have been touched by the works published by Take Heart Publications, but it is not limited to those readers only.

It does not really matter if you have read this or that book or if you are associated with a particular stream of thought. This is a call to all who are willing to live by the truth and extend the Self we share in Oneness/Unity into the world of form, thus joining the human with the divine, heaven with earth, the eternal with the temporal. “You will be living witnesses of the truth that it is not necessary to do great things, but small things with great love.” (The Age of the Heart)


Take Heart Publications (THP) publishes A Course of Love, the seven-volume series Choose Only Love, A Bridge, The Age of the Heart, Dewdrops of Wisdom, the three-volume series Truly Beloved, and Resurrection Consciousness, with more titles to be published in the coming months and years. More than just publishing books, we are building a truly global community that is part of a broad movement of “pioneers of the new,” (D:3.3) ushering in “a world of peace” (T3:14.11), a “time of heaven on earth and the end of suffering” (T4:1.13).

Take Heart Connect is an outreach of THP intended to provide opportunities for pioneers such as yourself to gather together, to exchange visions and insights in dialogue, and to support each other as we move forward along the way of being.

What you envision, imagine, desire, hold as being possible, is possible, because you make it so. […] A shared vision of unity and a return of all to the state natural to all is what I ask you to imagine, envision and desire. (A Course of Love T4:6.1,4)

Do you feel called to participate?

Answering the call


If you have reached this far on this page, you know who you are and that you matter a great deal! Please consider these words from Jesus:

The only difference between the life you are living and the life you want lies in your willingness to express who you are. (T2:3.1-2) […] it is only in sharing who you are through expression of who you are that you come to know who you are. (T4:8.14) As each expresses who they are being in unity and relationship, creation of the new will proceed and wholeness and healing renew the world in which you live. (A:44) (A Course of Love)


Due to the limited capacity of the conference hall, we are envisioning a gathering with about 75 participants only. We expect the event to sell out, as the Take Heart Community grows all over the world thanks to the translations and the increasing number of books published.

We would be truly honored to have you join us for Take Heart Connect’s 1st Global Gathering!

Co-Creating the New with You,
The Event Coordination Team
Rodrigo Cayres and Budhi N., Glenn Hovemann, Suzanne van Vliet, Peter van Gaelen, Sebastian Blaksley, Raul Miranda


If you are ready, please click the button below and fill out the registration form:

Some Sources of Inspiration

ACOL Second Edition Book Cover

Leave these words behind now, and bring only the dialogue with you. You will unerringly find those who can engage in the new dialogue, those who have chosen the new, those who seek to share and exchange in harmony. Thus will you begin and your numbers increase. (A Course of Love, E:19)

ACOL Second Edition Book Cover

Just as the healers will spread everywhere, so will those who seek peace with all their hearts… People will stop waging war, not as a result of a series of agreements or treaties, but as a natural manifestation of the new universal consciousness… This need not wait. It is something that you, yourself, must manifest in the world now. (The Age of the Heart, Ch.11: A New Heart)

ACOL Second Edition Book Cover

The foundation for a new earth is a new heaven—the awakened consciousness. The earth—external reality—is only its outer reflection. The arising of a new heaven and by implication a new earth are not future events that are going to make us free. Nothing is going to make us free because only the present moment can make us free. That realization is the awakening. Awakening as a future event has no meaning because awakening is the realization of Presence. So the new heaven, the awakened consciousness, is not a future state to be achieved. A new heaven and a new earth are arising within you at this moment, and if they are not arising at this moment, they are no more than a thought in your head and therefore not arising at all. (A New Earth, Ch.10: The New Earth Is No Utopia)